A green sign that says `` 10 % off for military / veteran ''
A green sign that says `` 10 % off for military / veteran ''

Case Study - Solar Farm

A group of people are working on a solar farm.


Solar panels require strong, dependable support in order to function. Pilings are placed after a hole is drilled 8-10 into the ground. These pilings must be able to support extreme weight capacity. A multitude of factors—soil conditions, holes dug too deep, severe weather, etc.—have caused 250 of these pilings to need additional support.


Using a skid steer to gently raise the cross bars back to level with adjacent ones and secure position with bracing. Fill voids with HMI Deep Foamjection on two sides of the pilings injecting at depths between 10-12 feet to stabilize and continuing at various depths as needed. Secure position with injections at ground level. 

  • The piling used for solar panels solidified with polyurethane chemical compound.

  • The piling used for solar panels solidified with polyurethane chemical compound.

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  • A man is standing in front of a row of solar panels.

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  • The piling used for solar panels solidified with polyurethane chemical compound.

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  • The piling used for solar panels solidified with polyurethane chemical compound.

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After the injections were completed and foam was hardened, various tests were conducted. These included a pull test, a push test and a torque test. A 5,000 lb. passing pressure test was needed in order to be satisfactory for usage and proper stabilization. Our product held at 8,900 lbs. A complete tear out and replacement would have likely cost near $700,000. Concrete Lifting Technologies cost was less than $100,000—saving Badger Solar Farms over $600,000.

A total of 10,000 lbs were used to stabilize and lift the slab. This volume of 2,500 cubic feet of foam is equivalent to the volume of an Olympic sized pool. In total, this project took 5 days to drill, stabilize, lift and complete, saving the owners months of downtime and hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

Time and Cost Savings Time Cost
Concrete Lifting Technologies' Deep FoamJection for 250 Heaved Pilings 5 Days < $100,000
Tear Out and Replace 250 Pilings Months $700,000

Case Study - City of Madison Seawall


Years of erosion have caused an instability and unevenness to the seawall and walking path around Lake Mendota


Concrete Lifting Technologies used the Deep Foamjection process to stabilize the soil to support the sidewalk while also preventing further erosion and loss of soils.  Deep Foamjection is the process of injecting foam to specified depths to increase the load bearing capacity of the soils.  For this project, the type of foam was crucial because a truly hydro-insensitive foam was needed.  Hydrofoam was specifically designed for jobs where water or moisture is present.  This 4lb. per cubic foot foam was designed to set up in the presence of water and to maintain dimensional stability in wet environments.  This job was quoted at $2,000 - saving the City of Madison thousands of dollars.  The job was completed in one day (8 hours) compared to the weeks of inconvenience that a total replacement would have cost.

Time and Cost Savings Time Cost
Deep Foamjection 1 Day $2,000
New Seawall/Walking Path Construction 2 Weeks $10,000
A white truck is parked on the side of the road
A large body of water is surrounded by a concrete walkway on a cloudy day

A swimming pool with a lot of chairs around it
A vacuum cleaner is sitting on the floor of a building.

Case Study - Harbor Athletic Club


The pool decks and patios had numerous trip hazards, cracks and various voids.

Years of erosion beneath the building had caused numerous voids and instability inside the facility's 88-foot long corridor.


Concrete Lifting Technologies was able to raise, support, and stabilize the voids on the pool deck while eliminating trip hazards. Harbor Athletic Club would have had to tear everything out and replace at a cost of over $77,000 - all while having to shut down the pool during the peak season! Concrete Lifting Technologies came in during the very early morning hours - before opening and corrected all of the issues before the club was even open!  On top of the speedy repair, the cost for the pool deck fixes was only around $6,000. 

Concrete Lifting Technologies filled area below the corridor and internal area stabilizing the soil while lifting the floor to strengthen the bond between the wall bases and floor. Cost to repair/replace would have been $125,000 while causing weeks of inconvenience for club members.  Concrete Lifting Technologies cost to rectify $15,000.

Total Cost Savings Pool Deck Interior Total
Concrete Lifting Technologies $6,000 $15,000 $21,000
Replacement $77,000 $125,000 $202,000
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